I ALS Conference
February, 7. 2015
Reports and presentations
Multidisciplinary approach in observation of patients with ALS
Lev Brylev, Neurologist, PhD, Deputy Head. 1st Department of Neurology of the V.M. Buyanov State Clinical Hospital, Head of ALS Service of Marfo-Mariinsky Medical Center (Moscow)

How serious illness changes structure of family
Oksana Orlova, psychotherapist, specialist of ALS Service of Marfo-Mariinsky Medical Center (Moscow)
Communication tools for ALS
Alexander Chervyakov, Ph.D., Neurologist, neurophysiologist, Researcher at Scientific Center of Neurology (Moscow)

Overview of main world researches and plans for research of ADEVASC drug
Maria Zakharova, MD, Leading Researcher at Scientific Center of Neurology (Moscow)

Nutrition of patient with ALS
Irina Avdyunina, Neurologist, PhD, Senior Researcher at Scientific Center of Neurology (Moscow)

Prevention of severe conditions and secondary complications in ALS
Elena Belichenko, Doctor of physical therapy at Pavlov First Medical University (Saint Petersburg)

Decision making theory
Алексей Белянин, доцент Международного института экономики и финансов,
зав. лабораторией экспериментальной и поведенческой экономики (Москва)

Probabilistic methods for predicting ALS scenario
Alexander Sergeev, student of International Institute of Economics and Finance (Moscow)

Difficult decisions with ALS
Anna Sonkina, Palliative Care Physician, Coordinator of Palliative Care Community (Moscow)

Respiratory support for ALS: past, present, future
Vasily Shtabnitsky, Ph.D., pulmonologist of ALS Service of Marfo-Mariinsky Medical Center, researcher at Research Institute of Pulmonology (Moscow)
